What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Growth Therapy for Men?
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Growth Therapy is a non-surgical treatment that is extremely popular with men experiencing hair loss and are looking for ways to stimulate natural hair growth. PRP Hair Growth Therapy uses your own blood to generate new hair as your plasma naturally stimulates hair follicle growth.
As men age, one major issue that they face is hair loss. In the past, there have been many other hair loss treatments such as hair transplants that didn’t always bring success. PRP Hair Growth Therapy is a non-invasive, effective treatment for addressing male hair thinning, stimulating existing hair follicles to grow thicker, healthier hair. It is a cost-effective, feasible treatment for male pattern balding that results in high patient satisfaction.
How Does the PRP Hair Growth Therapy Work?
PRP Hair Growth Therapy taps into the naturally-occurring regeneration powers of stem cells found in your blood. The blood is drawn from your body and spun in a centrifuge where the PRP is separated and used as an injection into your scalp. Once injected, the PRP stimulate your hair follicles to grow. It is recommended that PRP Hair Growth treatments be repeated once every six months to progressively increase hair density and coverage.
PRP Hair Growth Therapy for Men FAQs
Q: Is there any downtime following a PRP Hair Growth therapy treatment?
A: You will experience redness, swelling, bruising or slight pain in your treatment areas for up to a few days.
Q: How long will it take for me to notice the growth of new hair from my PRP Hair Growth treatment?
A: For most patients, hair rejuvenation can be noticed in as little as six weeks.
Q: How long does a PRP Hair Growth therapy take?
A: The entire process takes just 45 minutes to complete.
Q: Does the PRP Hair Growth therapy treatment hurt?
A: Most Midtown Med Spa patients describe that a PRP hair therapy treatment feels like a hot massage on the scalp.